99rises ZeroCarbon: A Blockbuster Performance

The 99rises 'ZeroCarbon' block
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
The Long-Short Way
ZeroCarbon Performance
99rises was created with the sole purpose to help you reach your goals by investing in your values without sacrificing returns.
The 99rises 'ZeroCarbon' block
The 99rises 'ZeroCarbon' block aspires to provide customers with a diligently managed portfolio with hand-picked companies that are focused on carbon neutrality. We believe that by investing in businesses with intangible, rather than only the physical assets which sell products that have a lower-than-average carbon footprint, we can address climate change through our block.
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
The world has listened. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) contains many incentives for companies to decarbonize. The IRA clearly defines GHGs (Greenhouse gases) as pollutants and also provides significant funding for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) across several air pollution programs and precisely defines six specific gases as GHGs: CO2, hydrofluorocarbons, methane, nitrous oxide, perfluorocarbons & sulfur hexafluoride.
With the IRA’s incentives for carbon capture and clean energy subsidies, this means it will cost less to implement future air pollution regulations. The key is to identify companies that are really making a difference as opposed to merely 'greenwashing'.
The Long-Short Way
That is where a risk-managed 99rises long-short strategy can help generated two-sided returns. On the long-side, we have companies that care and are fighting the good fight toward carbon neutrality, while on the short side, you have the green washers - the culprits who are just along for the ride.
A simple, yet powerful method that has worked wonders for our ZeroCarbon performance this year.
ZeroCarbon Performance
Our 'ZeroCarbon' block is up +9.0% as of the end of October, 2022 and has outperformed the Nasdaq 100 and S&P500 by +39.9% and +28.3% respectively. When inflation is 8%+ and the Nasdaq 100 and S&P500 down -30.9% and -19.3% respectively, we have truly proven that investing in purpose and values is the difference maker.
Our ZeroCarbon block is one that is helping our customers do well by doing good, while keeping consistent with their values enroute their path toward their North Star.
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